Since it has no form, could it have size? Since it has no size, could it have bounds? Because it has no bounds, it has no inside or outside. Having no inside or outside, it has no far or near. With no far or near, there is no there or here. Since there is no there or here, there is no coming or going. Because there is no going or coming, there is no birth or death. Having no birth or death, it has no past or present. With no past or present, there is no delusion or enlightenment....
Μα αυτό είναι το Παν και το Τίποτα!
Οι δύο όψεις του ίδιου νομίσματος!
Thanks for you work.
I have a surprise in Greko for you in mine blogue
Have a good weekend
alpha μου
david santos
Με ανακάλυψες και μένα ατιμούτσικο!
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